For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.
Matthew 25:35
Emmaus is supported through donations from the community, both local and beyond.
Donate via mail:
Emmaus Ministries
345 East 9th Street
Erie, PA 16503
Name Emmaus as a memorial recipient for a loved one.
**Please call us at the office [(814) 459-8349] to schedule a donation drop-off.

The Soup Kitchen can use the following items:
Peanut Butter (Creamy)
Jelly (Grape)
Peanut Butter Crackers
Uncrustable sandwiches
Fruit Snacks
Bottled Water
Mini sizes of deodorant and shampoo
The Kids Cafe can use the following items: (Greatest need*)
Body and face lotion*
Underwear (teen and adult sizes)*
Body wash*
Sneakers/shoes (sizes--children 9 to adult 9, sizes 3-5*)
Crew and knee socks (kids and adult sizes)
Gently worn fall/winter clothing (children small--adult 3XL)
Underwear (boys and girls)
Hair ties*
Combs, brushes, picks*
School Supplies: glue sticks*, 1 and 2 subject notebooks*, erasers*, lined notebook paper, pens, markers*,
crayons*, colored pencils*, book bags


Both our soup kitchen and food pantry are at full capacity for volunteers. If you would like to be on a waitlist, please call us at the office [(814) 459-8349].
Our Kids Cafe has openings for volunteers to help with its after-school program (Monday through Friday, 2:30-5:30; Summer program: Monday through Friday, 11:30-2:30.) If you are interested in working with children on homework or helping with activities, please contact Jane Wagner, Kids Cafe Coordinator at (814) 878-2922.
Even though our soup kitchen has its volunteer openings filled, you can still help. We serve peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and desserts at each meal. You can make sandwiches or desserts and drop them off for a dinner. To find out more, please call us at the office [(814) 459-8349].